Project Profiles
Application of CTZoom for ongoing maintenance & operations programs) and asset management
Annual Zoom camera inspection program (approximately
2500 manholes and associated sewer pipes inspected) in support of City sewer flushing program, along with long-term database development for Asset Management strategic planning.
Project Parameters:
Application of CTZoom camera technology to complete manhole and sewer pipe inspections to ascertain the structural condition and operational condition of the existing sewer network. Infratech sewer inspection field crews produce approximately 30 manhole inspections per day and the sewer condition assessment data and video inspection records are compiled into a large Access database repository. Monthly reports are generated by Infratech Services and summary tables are provided to the Client for their application in the Routine Sewer Flushing Program.
Approximately 2500 manholes and associated sewer pipe inspections are completed annually. Cost savings of approximately 1/3 compared to standard CCTV / Flushing programs.
The City of Waterloo will over a number of years obtain a system wide assessment of the sewer network and will be to better control and direct their ongoing sewer maintenance programs at a significant cost savings compared to standard CCTV crawler and flushing programs.
“This letter is written to confirm the satisfactory performance of Infratech Sewer & Water Services Inc. on Zoom Camera inspection assignments for the City of Waterloo during 2007 and 2008. In each year, Infratech Services completed approximately 1000 manhole inspections at an approximate contract value of $70,000 per year.”
Prasad Samarakoon
Utilities Technician, Capital Projects & Services-Infrastructure, PWS
City-wide (42,000 manhole and associated 3300 km of sewer pipes) sewer condition assessment program to assist in the development of Asset Management
strategies in conjunction with the development of
ongoing sewer flushing and maintenance programs.
Project Parameters:
Application of CTZoom camera technology to complete manhole and sewer pipe inspections to ascertain the structural condition and operational condition of the existing sewer network. Infratech sewer inspection field crews produce approximately 30 manhole inspections per day and the sewer condition assessment data and video inspection records are compiled into a large Access database repository. Month lt reports are generated by Infratech Services and summary tables are provided to the Client for their application in the Routine Sewer Flushing Program.
Approximately 7500 manholes and associated sewer pipe inspections are completed annually. Cost savings of approximately 1/3 compared to standard CCTV / Flushing programs.
The City of Hamilton obtains a system wide assessment of the sewer network and is able to better control and direct their ongoing sewer maintenance programs at a significant cost savings compared to standard CCTV crawler and flushing programs.
Annual Sewer CCTV and Flushing Program in support of City ongoing sewer operation and maintenance teams and flushing program.
Project Parameters:
Application of standard crawler CCTV and CTZoom camera technology to complete manhole and sewer pipe inspections to ascertain the structural condition and operational condition of the existing sewer network. Utilization of sewer flushing / vacuum trucks to maintain system functionality and to relieve emergency blockages. Infratech sewer inspection field crews, on 24 hour call providing CCTV, sewer flushing and zoom camera inspection services for the City of Greater Sudbury.
Maintenance and inspection of sewer network and emergency response for sewer and house lateral blockages.
“This is to certify that lnfratech Sewer & Water Services were awarded a contract(P0071008) to perform zoom camera inspection of sanitary and slam manholes by Asset Management division, City of Cambridge. Total contract value of the work amounts to $617,478.75 including all applicable taxes. The project is under execution and 85% of work has been completed satisfactorily.”
Yogesh Shah, B.E., M.C.A. PMP
Manager of Asset Management Transportation &
Pubilc Works
“lnfratech Sewer & Water Services Inc. was mandated by the Corporation of City of Cornwall, Ontario to carry out zoom camera assessment of a portion of the City’s wastewater collection system. The sewer zoom camera inspection work was performed during a 2007 assignment over approximately 20% of the City’s network to prepare an assessment database and a zoom camera inspection and assessment report. Under the direction of Mr. Don Gunn, C.E.T., the project was well-managed to provide technical evaluation and compilation reporting of the inspection detailing condition and potential for blockage grades and classifying all sewer sections and manholes inspected in accordance with Water Research Centre (WRc) standards and with Manual of Sewer Condition Classification (MSCC) using operators and field inspectors with current North American Association of Pipeline Inspectors (NAPPI) certification.
The support staff working for Mr. Gunn also converted some of the relatively recent VHS tapes, on previous CCTV inspection assignments done by others during the period 2000 to 2005 inclusive, to CD or DVD medium in a format compatible with the City’s GIS. lnfratech Services’ team performed this $130,000 assignment successfully meeting the stipulated deadlines. The City of Cornwall was satisfied and pleased with the work undertaken by lnfratech .”
Jean L. Lemire, P.Eng.
Approvals & Construction Engineer
“Infratech Services worked as a sub-consultant to Stantec Consultants on the City’s Asset Management Program development project. This letter confirms the satisfactory performance of lnfratech Sewer & Water Services Inc. on zoom camera inspection assignments for the City of North Bay during 2007 and 2008. Infratech Services completed approximately 3000 manhole inspections at an approximate contract value of approximately $195,000.00 total.
As our first experience with Zoom Technology their staff was very knowledgeable about sewer inspections and sewer rating systems. They were also willi ng to exchange information and educate the City staff on the technology as well as overall sewer condition ratings, and options for other inspections and rehabilitation opportunities.
The project was completed over a period of changing seasons and amid various other obligations of the City forces. Infratech was very flexible in being able to work with our crews, change target areas and adapt their schedule to meet our needs amid their other clients’ needs as well. Based on their past performance the City of North Bay can reliably recommend Infratech Services as a contractor for the provision of zoom camera inspection services.”
George Elliott, P.Eng.
Senior Municipal Engineer